Consider booking the Timberlake Tavern for:
Weddings and Receptions
Rehearsal Dinners
Holiday Gatherings
Birthday Parties
School and Family Reunions
High School and College Banquets
Retirement Parties
Memorial Celebrations
Corporate Retreats
Card Clubs, Service Club meetings
Dances (Prom, Ring Dances, Quinceañera)
Bridal or Baby Showers
Graduation Celebrations
Should you need a facility to host a special event, our event center on the main level is ready at any time to accommodate as many as 125 guests.
With vintage elegance and character reminiscent of 1929, the wide oak floors, two cozy fireplaces, and a bright spacious room on the main level is easily expanded through French doors to the large covered southern veranda.
Also available are a gazebo, terrace with umbrella tables, ample free parking, and a private dock at the lake for photos.

Quaint Spaces with a View
The upper balcony with its view of Timberlake and the surrounding mountains, is ideal for small group gatherings (up to eight people),
a photo spot overlooking the front lawn, or for just relaxing with a beverage.